Why IT Security Drives Cloud Success

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SMBs & Midmarket firms, (defined as businesses with 1-999 employees), that build effective, responsive security frameworks will be positioned to capitalize on new technologies and on the new efficiencies that they enable.
The evidence of IT’s ubiquitous presence within organizations is clearly found in a review of office activity. And it is not an exaggeration to state that in today’s business world, IT infrastructure is business critical infrastructure. SMBs (1-999 employees) & midmarket firms (100-999 employees) are heavily invested in IT, with IT-dependent processes throughout their operations.
This ubiquitous dependence on technology means that security failure will reverberate throughout all of a company’s daily operations. There is no way to disaster-proof against IT security failure with insurance. Appropriate investment in IT security processes, technologies and management strategies is the only way to capitalize on the productivity benefits of IT without creating exposure to organizational paralysis in the event of a malware invasion, a hacker attack or an employee’s negligence or malfeasance.
Coverage includes:
- IT matters to business success & security matters to IT success
- Lack of security risking Cloud rewards
- False confidence in Mobility security preparedness
- Impact of security breach
- The wall and drawbridge
- IT security framework options
- Concluding guidance