20 Questions with Midmarket Big Data Users

Techaisle Reports are available for a fee. As part of Techaisle SMB Compass series, this report is specially created for SMBs and their supplier partners and can be downloaded for free.
SMB Compass Series
Insights from the Trenches of Implementers
Techaisle routinely conducts depth interviews with actual SMB and Midmarket customers using technology to understand their business issues, challenges and lessons learned. For the first time, Techaisle is opting to publish select interviews under its SMB Compass series reports.
The premise of this SMB Compass series report is – 20 Questions with Midmarket Big Data Users: Insights from the Trenches of Implementers.
This report showcases five of the several depth interviews conducted. Table of Contents of the report is:
- SMB and Midmarket Big Data Adoption penetration
- Depth Interview Findings
- Verbatim Depth Interviews with SMB NetSuite Users
- A Financial Services Company (No. of Employees = 1100)
- A Media Advertising Company (No. of Employees = 4700)
- An Information & Media Company (No. of Employees = 800)
- An Engineering Services Company (No. of employees = 2200)
- A Financial Services Company (No. of employees = 2200)
- About Techaisle
The 20 questions in each interview captured at a minimum the following points and some more:
- Business objectives driving Big Data implementation
- Different types and components of Big Data solution
- Reasons for selecting different components
- Analytical tools being used for Big Data insights
- In-house or outsourced implementation
- Implementation challenges experienced
- Lessons learned during implementation
- Limitations of current solutions
- Advice for other midmarket firms planning to use Big Data solutions
- Benefits derived from using Big Data
The report can be used by:
- SMBs and Midmarket businesses planning to adopt Big Data and are evaluating Big Data solutions. The report will help them understand what their peers are talking about and learn from their experiences
- Big Data Solution providers who are working with SMBs, midmarket & enterprise customers. This report will help them understand an approach and ideal implementation process
- IT companies to showcase to their potential customers how midmarket businesses are implementing Big Data solutions
SMB Spotlight Series
Insights from the Trenches of Implementers
Depth qualitattive interviews with specific respondents who were responsible for Big Data implementation and continue to be involved in its management and enhancement were identified for interviews in each midmarket organization.
Each interview was approximately 1.5 hours long with continued Q&A and clarifications post interviews. At a minimum each interview captured the following elements:
Types of respondents within the midmarket businesses included:
- A seasoned industry professional with wide exposure in Solution Architecture, project Delivery & Management across Databases, Big Data and DW/BI products (Sybase, DB2, IBM Smart Analytic System D5600, Sybase IQ, Informatica, DataStage, SAS, SAP Business Objects, Data Flux , HDFS ,Hive, Pig, IMPALA, Sqoop, Flume, Pentaho, Jaspersoft and Tableau
- An experienced leader with 16+ years in IT Program / Delivery / Project Management in Leading, Planning, Scheduling, Estimation, Process Definition, Problem Solving, Risk Management & Project Delivery of Big Data, SAP Mobility, Java, Java EE and .Net projects
- Certified six sigma black belt, with years of experience in executing six sigma, lean & process management projects across cross functional processes in financial services, manufacturing industry and Big Data project manager/implementer
- An experienced professional with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience of project management across databases, data warehousing and business intelligence solution architecture and implementation who drove big data implementation within his organization
- An experienced and certified Project Management and Analytics professional having several years of experience in competencies mainly on business analysis, planning and change management
SMB Compass Series
Insights from the Trenches of Implementers
Report is delivered in Word/PDF format.
Report consists of 35 pages
Pages 6 to 34 consist of verbatim responses to each of 20 questions. These responses carry a wealth of information, guidance and knowledge from Big Data implementers.
This report showcases five of the several depth interviews conducted. The 20 questions in each interview captured at a minimum the following points and some more:
- Business objectives driving Big Data implementation
- Different types and components of Big Data solution
- Reasons for selecting different components
- Analytical tools being used for Big Data insights
- In-house or outsourced implementation
- Implementation challenges experienced
- Lessons learned during implementation
- Limitations of current solutions
- Advice for other midmarket firms planning to use Big Data solutions
- Benefits derived from using Big Data